Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Echelon--Top-Secret Intelligence System


1. Are you for or againts the use of Echelon for eavesdropping on electronic communications? Why or Why not? Is your opinion affected by the terrorist attacks of September 11?

answer: For me I'm not against the use of Echelon, because this eavesdropping project will be an effective tool in trapping enormous crimes that happens in the world. But I'm not infavor aside from the illegal use of this Echelon, because this function is intended only for criminals not for divulging any confidential information.

2. Develop a set of plausible conditions under which the directors of Echelon would authorize using the system to listen to specific electronic communications.

answer: a. It must be use only in trapping crime communications.
b. Only allowed to conject some reports that is with a evidence.
c. Must not be use for some illegal sharing of Information.

3. What sort of expanded or new capabilities might Echelon develop in the next 10 years as information technology continues to improve? What additional privacy issues might be raised by these new capabilities?

answer: To the next future ten years echelon can already handle laguages such as Arabic and Chinese, because from now on they are enhancing the echelon to handle and understand different languages.

Privacy Concerns Curtain Crime-Solving Database


1. Matrix uses information that has already been collected and is being used for marketing and other purposes. Why did privacy advocates suddenly sound the alarm when the same data used by marketing groups was accessed by law enforcement officials?

answer: They fear, that this powerful program will create false positives; because bad data or program errors can make innocent person guilty.

2. How have the freedom of Informaion Act and the Privacy Act affected the development and use of Matrix?

answer: The Matrix Intelligence is sophistacated in the part of the public, because public will not be as good public as you have expected without any enforcement that would take part of catching terrorist threats. And by this system soppurters like Matrix, assuredly the terrorist will be decreasing.

3. What Kind of oversight and security, if any, could make Matrix a viable crime prevention tool?

answer: If this could be happen, this problem is considered as recklessness or inattention security without being comitted to work and duty. Also consedered as traitor security without being acknowlegde the importance of Patent.

Cybercrime: Even Microsoft Is Vulnerable


1. Some people think that Microsoft downplayed the seriousness of the break-in. What would be the motivation for such a strategy?

answer: From this Motivation and pressure of the strategy happen, it will help the Microsft to awaken IT securities and experts and making their anti force to put into pressure.

2. Why would Microsoft have allowed the attackers access to their network and systems for several days after first detecting the break-in?

answer: The Microsoft had allowed the attackers to access to their network, because when they detect it, they believe that the hackers can able only to view but not to modify, source code of several major products. They assured that this attack was not as serious as it originally feared.

3. Imagine that you are in charge of recommending a new and improved security measures for Microsoft. What recommendations would you make? How would you justify the costs of implementing your ideas?

answer: It must not be that they will just only measure the attack from the perpetrators, but making also their defense anti-viruses must be keep on upgrading always, because attackers or perpetrators is always upgrading. And putting some firewalls in each computers must be applied also, not just in a companies employees computers, but also in their homes.

Whistle-Blower Divides IT Security Community


1. How did Mike Lynn explain his purpose in exposing the vulnerability in the Cisco Internet operating system? What other purposes might Lynn Have had in making his presentation?

answer: The purpose of exposing the vulnerability of the CISCO, is to informed the IT security Professionals of the danger that would be possible to happen in thier services routers. He gave also much details so that all the people would really make search on how to build and make missle for protection. In this purpose he can protect the country and the national Infrastructure and the agency will be much more safetier for any Intruders or insiders that might planning to attack.

2. What types of perpetrators might be interested in explioting the vulnerability in the Cisco Internet operating System?

answer: Here are the list of perpetrators
it includes:
a. Black Hats hackers or crakers
b. White Hats hackers or crakers

3. What factors do the government and industry have to consider in dealing with the hacker and craker community?

answer: In dealing with the hacker and craker community, the Government should consider that this can make their services safetier, only Hackers or Crakers learn on How to protect systems or Infiltrate. But Hackers and Crakers are opposite in function, but if they will work together in dealing with protection they can do much well.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

UK Government Comes under Trojan Horses Attack


1. Why were the trojan attacks so successful at infiltrating the security measures that most UK companies and government agencies had in place?

answer: Because during the time of thier survey, security experts do not know whether these machines were intermediaries or the original source of the atacks and that's the reason, the National Security Co-ordination Centre(NISCC) did not release any additional information about the perpetrators, and the only press was left behind to speculate the assaults. From this action the circulation of the attack was very strong, and thats the reason why the NISCC make very difficult to cope up this viruses.

2. Why did the NISCC believes that these attacks were different from general computer viruses ans other cyberassaults that have been launched in the past?

answer: They believe that this attacks is different from other attacks, because from thier findings they discovered that, this virusis can penetrate antivirusis software and communicate with the perpetrators through common ports. This means that the viruses can gather much data with comminication with the attacker. And Firewalls and Routers may not be safe from this attack.

3. a. What kind of information did the perpetrators gather from thier targets?
b. What did the information indicate about the nature of thier assaults?

answer: a. By the attacks of the Trojans viruses, the perpetrators can gather much information like: passwords and Datas. The Trojan virus will gather Datas and Information from the employee's computer and sending it back to the attacker. This is how they get information from employee's and some other public and private companies.
b. Other experts have long predicted a move toward targetted social engeneering that exploits variations of current viruses to access information of key organization and industries worldwide. They indicated that this Trojans, are a sign of things to come.